It is my pleasure to announce
today the successful PhD VIVA examination of Michal Belusky.
This is a very important milestone for the UoP / SMAP / Physics, as this is our
first ever Physics PhD graduate (non ICG), since reopening Physics in 2010.
Michal published 4 peer review articles as part of his PhD work (listed below),
he presented his work at two conferences including one in Sweden, he submitted
his PhD thesis on time (just under 3 years) and he has been very active in
helping with our Physics teaching activities, including Physics laboratories
and projects supervision.
Many congratulations to Dr. Michal Belusky.
M. Belusky, S. Lepadatu, J. Naylor, M. Vopson, Evidence of substrate roughness surface induced magnetic anisotropy in NiFe flexible thin films, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 478, 77-83 (2019).
M. Belusky, S. Lepadatu, J. Naylor, M. Vopson, Study of roughness effect in Fe and Co thin films prepared by plasma magnetron sputtering, Physica B: Condensed Matter 574, 411666 (2019)
M. Vopson, M. Belusky, S. Lepadatu, Diamagnetic coupling for magnetic tuning in nano-thin films, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 116, issue 25, 252402 (2020).
M. Vopson, X. Tan, E. Namvar, M. Belusky, S.P. Thompson, V. Kuncser, F. Plazaola, I. Unzueta, C.C. Tang, Sub-lattice polarization states in anti-ferroelectrics and their relaxation process, Current Applied Physics Vol. 19, issue 5, pp. 651-656 (2019).