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Vopson research is a blog associated with Dr Vopson's Physics research activities at the University of Portsmouth, School of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Technology.

Can diamagnets offer a new kind of coupling in nano-layers?

Combining nanoscale thin films of magnetic and non-magnetic phases in various hetero-structures has generated a rich variety of new magnetic and magneto-transport phenomena and applications. A new article published by our group proposes a coupling between ferromagnetic and diamagnetic layers. The new diamagnetic coupling was used to improve the exchange bias field of a diamagnet/ferromagnet/anti-ferromagnet hetero-structure by up to 212%, as evidenced. Since diamagnets have very special properties, including temperature independent negative magnetic susceptibilities, this coupling could be a powerful tool in future synthesis of solid state nanostructures such as exchange bias systems, spintronic devices, magnetic random access memories, sensors, and multiferroics.
Read full article here: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/5.0008482?journalCode=apl